Mission Statement
The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to minister to all people's social, spiritual and physical development. At every level of the Connection, the A.M.E. Church shall carry out the spirit of the original Free African Society while also encouraging all members to become involved in all aspects of church training.
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As we grow and share the gospel, we remember to make available God's biblical principles, teach the history and significance of the A.M.E. Church and provide continuing programs to enhance social development for all people. Principles based on biblical scriptures and actions equal to God are a few basic movements in supporting and bringing awareness to those in need. Our ultimate duty at Flat Rock A.M.E. Church is showing Christ-like love to our members, those in and outside our communities and even our enemies.
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-Rev. Edward J. Johnson, Jr., Pastor
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As we grow and share the gospel, we remember to make available God's biblical principles, teach the history and significance of the A.M.E. Church and provide continuing programs to enhance social development for all people. Principles based on biblical scriptures and actions equal to God are a few basic movements in supporting and bringing awareness to those in need. Our ultimate duty at Flat Rock A.M.E. Church is showing Christ-like love to our members, those in and outside our communities and even our enemies.
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-Rev. Edward J. Johnson, Jr., Pastor
Activities and Events